Tuesday, June 5, 2018

we're delighted to invite you

to our new playgrounds!

we're officially moving from this space!

☆ moni is playing on her new website  

☆ tomas is playing on his blog "be true stillness"

☆ all our meeting dates & details are here

moniandtomas.blogspot.com will stay here as is, with no further updates

come and visit us!

Monday, April 9, 2018

¡Satsang de Mujeres! ♡ Women's Satsang!

The 1st online video meeting of 
Satsang de Mujeres ♡ Women's Satsang
will be on 

April 16
(11am pacific time, 2pm east coast time, 7pm UK time, 8pm Spain time)

Oh, Joy!

details are here

All women are welcome!

Monday, February 19, 2018


we'll meet next week for
Meeting As Stillness
Women's Satsang

my body is resting and recovery from an out-of-the-blue bug
all is well!
(in really good hands!)

happy blessed all to you!

and, a little Rumi!

"God writes spiritual mysteries on your heart,
where they wait in silence for discovery."

Wednesday, January 31, 2018