Tuesday, August 9, 2016

europe fall 2016!


Saturday, 1 October
Cheam (Surrey), UK
*one day retreat*
10:30am - 4:30pm
at a private residence
contact Liz 
liz@mccarren (dot) net
home: 020 8286 2860 
mobile: 07971 149111

Sunday, 2 October
Horsham (West Sussex), UK
*afternoon intensive*
1:30pm - 5:00pm
at a private residence 
contact Sayoko 
sayoko.meyer@gmail (dot) com
mobile: 07918183075  

Saturday, 8 October - Wednesday, 12 October
Valencia, Spain
*5 day retreat*
9th Annual Residential Retreat
details are here

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

*thank you*

deep bows of *gratitude*
to everyone who joined us 
on retreat
so profoundly d e e p  and  s t i l l
we're very grateful
for You!